Years ago, I went to Symbiosis, a music and art festival at Pyramid Lake. I was newly single, had recently moved to the Bay Area, and was feeling lost around how to live my true purpose. I had a big prayer to get more clarity and find my next level of joy. By the...
The day I learned how to truly sing was the day I discovered that I actually love experiencing my own voice. Up until that point I had been trying to sing to look good, impress others, and achieve a level of expertise. I never truly enjoyed the process and no one...
A few years ago, I was working through a fresh and painful breakup. I spent 7 straight days steeped in the most unbearable agony I’d ever experienced. I was also at Burning Man, which amplifies everything exponentially. On Friday night, I went to see a surprise show...
Being an entrepreneur brings up all of our self worth, confidence and commitment issues… over and over again. There’s no way to avoid it – running our own business is one of the most powerful medicine paths we can choose. It’s important to remember this at all times, to avoid destructive magical thinking that kills …
Taking responsibility for something is not the same thing as blaming ourself for it. Taking responsibility says, “I see my part in this, and I know how to create a more desirable result next time.” This is empowerment. Self blame says, “I screwed up and I’m going to punish myself for it.” This is disempowering. …
I’ve been seeing a disturbing trend of posts and articles asking people to stop using the word karma to explain reality, because it’s hurtful to those who’ve had a difficult experience and feel blamed or shamed for it. I truly honor all of us who have had to go through some seriously traumatic experiences. And …
“I just wish I could find a business partner to handle the whole money side of things so I can focus on my passion, helping people.” “I am going to hire someone to do my sales and marketing because my personality type isn’t good at that stuff.” “I’ve got too much Feminine energy to be …
The other night I was contemplating whether or not photos, writing, and audio/video recordings of us carry any of our consciousness with them (also, yes, I recently watched Black Mirror, so this topic was fresh in my mind!) While these creations do not have self awareness, they do transmit our consciousness anytime someone interacts with …