Featured Articles
The Meaning of Eclipses in Vedic Astrology
Learn what to do – and not to do – during an eclipse.
Why Would You Want A Vedic Astrology Reading?
Learn how a Vedic Astrology Reading can give you the answers and clarity you need to live a life you love.
What’s the Deal With Mercury Retrograde?
Why pay so much attention to this tiny planet when it moves backwards in the sky four times a year?
A cure for entrepreneurial doubt and magical thinking
Being an entrepreneur brings up all of our self worth, confidence and commitment issues... over and over again. There’s no way to avoid it - running our own business is one of the most powerful medicine paths we can choose. It’s important to remember this at all...
Taking responsibility vs. blaming ourself
Taking responsibility for something is not the same thing as blaming ourself for it. Taking responsibility says, “I see my part in this, and I know how to create a more desirable result next time.” This is empowerment. Self blame says, “I screwed up and I’m going to...
Is talking about karma “victim blaming?”
I’ve been seeing a disturbing trend of posts and articles asking people to stop using the word karma to explain reality, because it’s hurtful to those who’ve had a difficult experience and feel blamed or shamed for it. I truly honor all of us who have had to go...
The Shadow Feminine In Entrepreneurship and the Dangers of the White Knight Fantasy
“I just wish I could find a business partner to handle the whole money side of things so I can focus on my passion, helping people.” “I am going to hire someone to do my sales and marketing because my personality type isn’t good at that stuff.” “I’ve got too much...
Fame, Social Media and Karma
The other night I was contemplating whether or not photos, writing, and audio/video recordings of us carry any of our consciousness with them (also, yes, I recently watched Black Mirror, so this topic was fresh in my mind!) While these creations do not have self...
Wasting Good Karma: The Seductive Myth Of Getting Something For Nothing (e.g. Millennial Wantrepreneurs on Instagram, MLM’s, And Coaching Masterminds)
The other say I saw a post that was promoting a paid mastermind for women to “effortlessly make money as an entrepreneur” (or more likely, a mastermind leader for *other* female entrepreneurs...) I paused for a moment. Wouldn’t it be amazing if I could do whatever I...
The True Meaning Of “Love And Light” – Reclaiming The Concept From Spiritual Bypassers
I cringe whenever I hear someone say “it’s all love and light” in response to, well, pretty much anything. This is especially true if it’s in response to someone’s suffering. This concept, like many others, has been twisted and adulterated by people who haven’t taken...
The Hidden Relationship Between Addiction And Alignment
Most humans are addicted to something... alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, drugs, food, sex, drama, Facebook, worrying. There is no shame in having an addiction because almost everyone has at least one. For the sake of this post, I’m defining addiction as anything we...
The Problem With Focusing On The Problem
I’m inspired to speak to a pattern I’ve witnessed in myself and others, because I’ve had some recent revelations that could be useful for those who are struggling with something big. Here’s what I’ve observed. When there’s an apparent problem in our lives, especially...
It’s Always Darkest Before Dawn
Tomorrow, the Moon will join the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Pisces, where she will become new again, beginning another cycle of waxing light. When the Moon is waning, especially in the second week, she rises in the middle of the night, so most of us are asleep during...
How I Was Initiated By Two Works Of Visionary Art (And Helped Create A Piece That’s Now In The Smithsonian!)
Years ago, I went to Symbiosis, a music and art festival at Pyramid Lake. I was newly single, had recently moved to the Bay Area, and was feeling lost around how to live my true purpose. I had a big prayer to get more clarity and find my next level of joy. By the...
How To Grieve
I’ve been feeling the collective grief so strongly lately, and I feel called to share some valuable lessons I’ve learned for myself about grieving, in case they are supportive for you too: 1 - Do not try to resist the grief. I am either feeling it fully, or it is...
The Relationship Between Creative Talent And Pleasure
The day I learned how to truly sing was the day I discovered that I actually love experiencing my own voice. Up until that point I had been trying to sing to look good, impress others, and achieve a level of expertise. I never truly enjoyed the process and no one...
How I Called In True Love – But It Wasn’t What I Expected
A few years ago, I was working through a fresh and painful breakup. I spent 7 straight days steeped in the most unbearable agony I’d ever experienced. I was also at Burning Man, which amplifies everything exponentially. On Friday night, I went to see a surprise show...
All We Can Do Is Take The Next Aligned Step On Our Path Of Mystery
When we can’t see the big picture (which is all the time, truthfully), all we can do is take the next aligned step on our path of mystery. One very big or infinitesimally small step in the direction of our true Yes in the moment will always take us where we need to...
The Artful Use Of Anger – Channeling Passion Into Purpose vs Getting Revenge
Over the past few months, I’ve had conversations with several brilliant beings who were feeling extremely wronged by someone, and didn’t know what to do with all that energy. Their first inclination was to “take the other person down,” or to seek revenge in order to...
The Little Nagging Voice Of Truth That Tries To Warn Us Before It’s Too Late ~ Total Lunar Eclipse In Cancer
You know that moment you say yes to something that seems great “on paper” and yet there is a little nagging twinge somewhere in your body, warning you, “Is this really the right choice?” Or that moment when something you *were* a full “yes” to starts to feel “off,”...
How Redefining Sales Finally Turned Me Into A Real Entrepreneur
Over the past couple of years I’ve been doing a lot of hybrid Vedic Astrology/Marketing coaching, which makes sense since it integrates the two areas where I have the most expertise. But there’s one thing I’ve had to step into lately that has even surprised me......
Venus Becomes The Evening Star
Tomorrow night, January 16, at 11:38 pm, Venus will pass the Sun and become the evening star for the first time since last March. This means that we'll soon be able to see Venus shining brightly in the sky, close to the horizon, just after the sun sets. When Venus is...
Boundaries, Co-dependence And Psychic Powrs: Rahu in Cancer + New Moon In Capricorn = Get Creative!
At 6:18 pm PST on January 16, 2018, the Moon will be completely dark in Capricorn. The light of the Moon and Venus are heavily distorted by the Nodes and obscured by the Sun right now, until the Moon enters Aquarius early morning on the 19th. Psychic powers, ESP and...
How To Choose A Coach, Guide Or Mentor
Over the years, dozens of people have emailed me because they had a reading with another Vedic Astrologer who told them something scary and traumatic, or was incredibly vague, while still being very expensive. I love reading for these people because I don’t do either...
The Meaning of Eclipses in Vedic Astrology
Learn what to do – and not to do – during an eclipse.
Is The Full Moon In Pisces Or Aries: The Difference Between The Two Zodiacs
Tonight, if you gaze at the full moon, you will see it against the backdrop of the stars that form the constellation Pisces. The Sidereal zodiac, used by most Vedic Astrologers, reflects what's in the sky now. Ancient Vedic seers and sages understood the wobble of the...
Are You Being Present? by The Presence Projects on iTunes
I was recently hosted by Paul Ross Kerzner for his “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this podcast is “Gaining Presence Astrologically” and was chosen because of the profound effect astrology can have on a your life and your ability to be...
Saturn moves into Sagittarius
January 26, 2017 is a very big day in Vedic Astrology, because Saturn moves into Sagittarius after spending 2.5 years in Scorpio. This is a big deal because Saturn is the slowest moving planet and only changes signs every 3 years.
Healing Powers Podcast by Laura Powers on iTunes
I was recently interviewed again by Laura Powers for her Healing Powers Podcast, and we talked about what's in store astrologically for 2017. We always have so much fun when we chat. You can listen to it here.
How Your Destiny Can Set You Free
Only by knowing our destiny can we begin to have true free will.
Interview for the Healing Powers Podcast
I was interviewed on the Healing Powers podcast with Laura Powers and we spoke about the 4 major upcoming astrological transits. You can tune in here and find out what changes are in store for the next 5 weeks. For those of you who don't speak Astrologese, I also...
Why are astrological forecasts so intense?
There are two main reasons why transits/forecasts almost always sound ominous.
How To Use Your Karma To Become Free
Have you ever wondered why astrology works and what it has to do with your karma?
Big Life Changes – Saturn in Scorpio
After a 2.5 year reign in Libra, Saturn’s move into Scorpio will bring new changes for us all.
What Saturn Retrograde 2015 Means For You
Saturn turned around on 3/14, slowing down to a screeching halt in the process. What does this mean for you?
Rahu and Ketu move into Virgo / Pisces
When planets stay in a sign for a long period of time, you will notice changes when they move.
How To Free Up More Energy with Vedic Astrology
Everyone has at least one thing they give a lot of their time and money to without realizing it.
Truth, Lies, and Vedic Astrology
I discovered a big lie, and it led me to Vedic Astrology.
About That Horoscope…
What you absolutely must know before reading your horoscope.
Why Would You Want A Vedic Astrology Reading?
Learn how a Vedic Astrology Reading can give you the answers and clarity you need to live a life you love.
What’s the Deal With Mercury Retrograde?
Why pay so much attention to this tiny planet when it moves backwards in the sky four times a year?
Favorite Images and Quotes
How To Find Your Exact Birth Time For A Vedic Astrology Reading
So you want to have a Vedic Astrology reading, but you don't know your exact time of birth? Try these methods, starting with the first one and working your way down the list if you need to continue searching: 1. Check your birth certificate. Long Form birth...
Is Vedic Astrology for Real?
Everyone always asks me, “What IS astrology, anyway?” This is my answer.
How to Use Your Vedic Astrology Reading
You loved your reading, but how do you integrate what you’ve learned so that you blossom from the experience?
Vedic Astrology vs Western Astrology
What is the difference between Western and Vedic Astrology?
Should I Just Move To A Cave? Vedic Astrology Horror Stories
So, you looked up your chart, and you’ve got a Kala Sarpa Yoga, Kuja Dosha and you’re entering Sade Sati.
Vedic Astrology Resources
If you’re interested in learning more about Vedic Astrology, these are my recommendations of where to begin.
Inspiring Music With A Message
Here are a few of my favorite inspiring lyrical songs. When these words get stuck in my head, it's a very good thing, like a powerful mantra that reminds me of what I'm truly committed to. I've grouped them by the type of message they transmit and have included an...